What is PURE WATER window cleaning?
Pure water is tap water that goes through a purification process to take out minerals and impurities, making it 100% pure. The water in Busselton starts at 250ppm so we use a series of pre-filters, followed by Reverse Osmosis (RO) and finally De-Ionisation (DI) to purify our water to <2ppm (Total Dissolved Solids). Once pure, water will air dry spot-free and streak free, with crystal clear results. Windows will stay cleaner for longer as no residues are left of the glass.
The pure water is then pumped from our tank to our extendable pole & soft brush. Our pole can reach up to 12m from the safety of ground level, making it the safest and most cost effective way of cleaning windows above ground level. Removing the need for costly scaffold, lifts or EWP's
The most common dissolved solids often found in Australian tap water (and notably in areas with typically high TDS like Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane) include calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, aluminium and nitrates. Water that contains high amounts of these salts and minerals (calcium and magnesium ions in particular), tend to bond easily with other ions and compounds to form hard scales and leave behind stubborn white spots once the water evaporates. Our system removes these contaminants and particles for the ultimate, shiny, scale-free spot-free finish.